Sunday, August 23, 2009

More? Yes please!


No doubt most of us have seen the gorgeous images of Anna Spiro's home featured in Vogue Living and read of the launch of Anna’s website Black and Spiro.

Imagine my delight when I noted that Catherine Shields has posted additional images from Anna’s home and shop! Here and here!

Thankyou Catherine and thanks Anna for more inspiration!

Romana xx


  1. Love all of the bright colors!

  2. Thanks for your helpful comments on the decorating dilemmas party! I'll let you know when I implement some of them!
    I love your blog! BTW- I've been looking for a photo of a room I saw a while ago and the feel of it seems to fit in with some of your inspiration rooms so I thought you might remember it. There were two teal upholstered armchairs with red trim- does this ring a bell? It's been driving me nuts! I've been thinking of incorporating the same color scheme in my living room and really wanted to see that photo again as a reference.

  3. I LOVE Anna's home! It's so beautiful!

  4. this is such a nice house!

    I love your blog by the way!


I love hearing your thoughts on anything blog related, so drop me a line! Spread out a rug and enjoy a moment or two under the pepper tree!