Friday, January 16, 2009

While we were away...

...the kids did play!

Miss Sunshine and Millie, my mother's Jack Russell puppy.

I took photos of mum's shed - it is made from flattened 40 gallon metal drums (and a variety of other materials). I love the colours of the faded plank door and the passion fruit vine against the oxidised metal.

Look at the colours of the passion fruit flower - simply gorgeous! I hope mum gets some fruit off them this year. (And I am having fun with the macro function - can you tell??)

But just to keep it real folks, I have to share my bee encounter of that day. When the sunshine struck the fresh clover on mum's lawn (please refer to photograph of Miss Sunshine above), the bees came out for a taste. All was fine until I felt something crawling up my jeans. I didn't at first think of a bee - who would? After all, I was feeling the bug somewhere on my upper thigh-hip area and surely I would have felt it crawl the whole length of my leg?!?!

Worried that I may have an earwig or something equally disturbing about to greet me by poking it's little head out from under the waist band of my favourite Sass&Bide jeans, I grabbed what material I could and squashed the unknown bug before unceremoniously dropping my dacks on mum's lawn. Only as I attempted to delicately roll out the still unidentified bug did I realise it was a bee. Just as I thought I was in the clear and the now squished bee was out of my pants, his little stinger just jabbed me! The little bugger!

Luckily I am not allergic and a few minutes with some ice kept the swelling to a minimum (if not the itchiness the following day after I scratched it in my sleep).

Lesson here people: wear a bee-suit when playing on a clover-filled lawn. It will have all the kids looking at you like you are their favourite clown.

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